Rolo Slider Update 1.0.0 Has Been Released!

Plugins , updates ,

Rolo Slided Update Is Here!

With this Rolo Slider update, it is finally coming in it’s stable version 1.0. Some time ago we have released our first slider plugin with one goal in mind – to create a flexible and stunning slider, which will be fairly ease to use. Out from that idea Rolo Slider 0.1 was released and we have been working on it since then, constantly improving it.

We released numerous updates over the time (you can check the complete changelog), but we are finally  reaching it to the final stable stage. This does not mean that we are stopping from working on this plugin! On contrary this is only a beginning of new and exciting period for Rolo, as we are going to include new features and options.

Untill now Rolo was still experimental, and now, we are happy to announce that we are wrapping up with three new amazing and important features – Import , Export functionality and Demo Import.

This is something lacking the Rolo from the beginning. We are aware that this probably was a deal breaker for some potential users, but as mentioned, we were still experimenting with this whole concept of simple yet powerful slider.

In the upcoming update there will be 3 new pages – one for import and one for export and one for the Demo Iport. Exporting will be fairly simple – a page with a list of your current sliders from which you need to select the one you are exporting, and click the export button. You can also choose to export all sldier as well. The importing will have simple option where you need to upload export xml and then import the slider(s) from it. The Demo import will cover the existing demos of Rolo Sliders (the list of available demos will be growing over time). This will significantly help users who are migrating their website, or who just want to have a quick starting point by importing our demo slider.

There will be also a new general options which will control the hover color for the buttons. As well as ken burns effect with the “responsive images” layout, which currently is not featuring this effect.

So in review those are the key features in this new 1.0.0 Rolo Slider update:
Import / Export option

Rolo Slider update

With newly added Import and Export options, now you will be able to export sliders from your existing projects and to import them on some other WordPress installation in just few clicks. Time and effort needed to start with new project is now brought down to a bare minimum!


Demo Import

Rolo Slider update

You are just starting with Rolo Slider, or you just want to start with slider right away? No problem, with new Demo Data import page you can now import demo sliders which are available on our demo page with a single click of a mouse.

Buttons hovers

Rolo Slider update

This Rolo Slider update also brings probably long awaited options for setting text and background color for slider buttons. Pretty neat, right.

Extended Ken Burns Support

rolo slider

Ken Burns Now Works With Responsive Images Layout!

Improved Options UI

Rolo Slider update

Slider options are organized into tabs and options UI is improved.

Optimized And Refactored Code

Rolo Slider update

In this Rolo Slider update we have basically rewritten some parts of the code from scratch, and refactored the rest of the code for better performance.

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