A Sneak peek at GreenInk – Upcoming Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Multipurpose , Theme , WordPress ,

Say hello to GreenInk – Creative Multipurpose eCommerce Theme which aims at modern startups and small business.

Here it is what we’ve been busy working on for quite some time. Beside two free plugins which we already released on wordpress.org, today we’re giving you a sneak peek at GreenInk, our first WordPress theme. Theme is already uploaded, and while we are waiting for review and approval, we are going to give you some cool insights about very nice features which are present.


WooCommerce integration.

GreenInk is WooCommerce Compatible

As you can see form the image above which is showing theme customizer, it is far from basic WooCommerce integration. You can set interactive header shopping cart widget, and even set image to your liking. Beside that you can enable display for featured images within title area for each product, and choose between 3 or 4 columns layout for your shopping page, and guess what, it is FREE theme, and these are some features which are available only in premium themes. That’s pretty neat, right?


Typography Garage and colorful options.

We don’t have to mention that dream of every WordPress developer, freelancer, or user who is just starting to learn this popular platform is to be able to set logo, to change every theme color, to set footer copyright information, layout, or to choose typography and font from large database of Google Fonts, and guess what, GreenInk Theme allows all of that!


And we are not stopping here. What about Visual Page builder?

GreenInk Theme comes with integration for Visual Page builder. We highly encourage you to use recommended King Composer plugin, fast and new visual page builder plugin for WordPress with wonderful intuitive UI. Advantage is clear, you don’t need any codding skills!

GreenInk King Composer Integration


Playing fair with all devices.

GreenInk is Responsive theme

In a age of Tablets and Smartphones it is normal to assume that for accumulating traffic to your site, Theme have to be responsive in order to offer visitors astonishing experience on all devices, and GreenInk is up to this task.


Summing it up

Slider and portfolio are common part of every modern website these days and you can install our two plugins which comes as recommended for this Theme – Rolo Slider with ken burns effect and easy to manage Winning Portfolio.

We could tell you much more here, but this is just a teaser, and we hope that you are intrigued with this nice Theme. You can subscribe to our newsletter or start following us on social networks, in order to be prepared when GreenInk Theme becomes live, and dont forget to share 🙂

Stay tuned!

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